New Free SSL Certification Authority

Secutiry lock

I have been with my host for a couple years now. Their service use to be blazing fast but I have noticed over time they have began to slow down. Why am I still here? Because they offer free unlimited SSL certs. Yep – that’s the only reason.

I have come to find that there are many people at work, in the public, and other places constantly sniffing my internet traffic so I secure ALL my sites. However, a new dog is coming to play.  – the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) is starting a free certificate authority known as Let’s Encrypt. With this new CA, they promise to be as secure as the big dogs, but offer automated scripts to secure your site and keep all certs up to date – automatically.

There has got to be a catch right? I mean where do they get their money from? They are getting backed by some of the world’s largest internet foundations such as Mozilla, Cisco, and Automattic, many others, and are accepting individual donations.

You can find their main homepage Here and they have created a community forum, which you can visit here. They are currently scheduled to release public sometime in the last quarter of 2015.

I am eagerly waiting – if you here of them opening up sooner let me know in the comment section below!
